This is my official disclaimer about this forum. It is not meant to scare or truamatize
anyone, just make sure that we're all on the same page for expectations. :-)
I am NOT a doctor. Repeat NOT. I am also NOT certified
by any educational institution to educate others on physical education.
I AM an ordinary working girl who happens to be fascinated by knowledge and learning how things work or why,
with a knack for finding good articles or links. Lately a lot of this "research" has been in the areas of nutrition and fitness
as I attempt to learn why certain things work and how diet and exercise can reshape a person physically and mentally.
So, where does all the "stuff" on this forum come from? Often
someone asks me a question, I see a lot of posts around a specific topic on the boards I hang out on, or I get curious about
a topic. Once that happens, I'm like any other curious cat, and off I go, brushing my tail against the annals of any location
of knowledge I can find that looks reputable.
should you trust what I say? Well, frankly, you shouldn't.
I expect you to do the same thing I do -- which is read what I got from the research, filter it against your own
knowledge and world view, and critically review anything that makes your eyebrows go up. If you think that I got the wrong
idea, am flat out confusing people, or am using sites that you don't trust for a valid reason, let me know, and I'll be happy
to update. (Mind you, you have to help me with this - just "I think she has bad hair and so
you shouldn't use her site" isn't going to work! ;-)
*whew* With that out of the way, I hope you enjoy what I've found,
and feel free to come up with other things you'd like to see me dig up information on. :-)