Shayananna's DancingBlonde Site

All about the blonde

All about the blonde
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BFL / Health and Fitness Stuff
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101 ways to eat cottage cheese

All about the blonde...

This site started because I've got a bunch of things that I seem to keep dabbling in, and thought it would be fabulously convenient to have one place to go for them!
I'd like to claim I'm an ordinary working girl; but somehow ordinary and me don't seem to get along. Maybe hyper overachiever working girl? *g*
I live in a mad house with two furrballs and two guys (my DH and our roomie), which can be rather educational. (The boys are MAD about cars, shiny bits, new technology, go karts, power tools, smelling like car oil and grease, etc.)
The Dancing Blonde is a reference to my absolute love of modern dance. I have a background of modern and ballet dance, and recently started bellydance. (Don't worry, there is some proof!)
This is combined with a re-found absolute passion for fitness and learning what this health thing really is - because somehow while we teach advanced trig in our schools, how to feel good and be healthy isn't a course you can take!

About this site

There are 3 things I will be doing with this site:
1) Posting all my BFL research stuff
2) Having a Blog - just because
3) Trying to get my domain full of pictures up and running. I love working with digital cameras, and since all self-proclaimed artists think they are inherently interesting, I'm sharing! :-)

Beaverton OR SummerFest Parade 2003
Aren't slightly out of focus pictures great?

So you know I'm not really a hairy man masquerading as a female dancer, I actually have a picture of me from the 2003 Beaverton SummerFest parade that I'm sharing. (Mind you, I suppose you'll have to take my word that this is me!!!)

Dancing Blonde - Your ticket to randomness